How does Remote North/NCDP work?
NCDP negotiates about conducting preliminary analyses and pilot projects in regions and municipalities. The results of these provide decision-makers within national, regional and local governance with valuable information as to how to develop a grass-roots digitalization with existing infrastructure and include rural areas in the range of community service that normally is reserved for urban areas.
The results of the analyses and pilot projects and eventually identify new target groups for private and telecom operator services. The projects will also identify potential activities for venues that today are underutilized. NCDP has a goal to deliver qualified and valuable documentation for all parties in the projects as well as for politicians and public servants in municipalities and regions.
Format for remote presence
1. Music Education: 1-on-1 education via distance learning.
2. Conferences, smaller-sized ensembles: several stages, rehearsals, performing arts.
3. Theatres and concert halls: Large-scale theatres and concert halls are connected together in an environment with no perceivable delay.

Funding Structure
Private and public sector producers and operators contribute through providing subsidization.
Local, regional and national government contribute with the cost for infrastructure and establishment.
EU and private scholarships contribute to support the network with funding for project implementation.